
How To's

Use Appleworks to Open and Save Word and Excel Documents

Opening a Microsoft Word (.doc) file or a Microsoft Excel File (.xls) is easy; just follow the below steps.

Opening a Word or Excel Document

  1. Make sure you have at least Appleworks version 6.1.5. If you don't, download the Appleworks updater from Apple's web site.
  2. Copy the document to your hard drive if it is not already on your drive.
  3. Open your Appleworks applicaton
  4. Go to the File Menu and select Open
  5. At the bottom of the window, go to the pop up list for File Format and select All Available
  6. Navigate to where the document is stored on your hard drive in the open window
  7. Double click the document and it will open
  8. You are done.

Saving a Word or Excel Document

  1. Make sure you have at least Appleworks version 6.1.2. If you don't download the Appleworks updater from Apple's web site.
  2. When saving the document, select the file type you want to save as from the pop-up list at the bottom of the Save As... window.
  3. You are done.